
Education & Experience

15 Years of Experience

Lansing Community College - Associates International Business


Sto Therm ci Systems, Qualified Fireproofing Applicator, Journeyman Plaster, Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED.

get in touch

Phone (313) 912-0075

Email: jeremyh@hankinsplastering.com


jeremy hankins

project manager

Jeremy, the Project Manager, is at the helm of steering the company's strategic trajectory and ensuring the triumphant execution of all project endeavors. Having joined the family business back in 2008, Jeremy boasts a wealth of experience as a seasoned professional in the construction industry. His portfolio proudly showcases remarkable achievements such as overseeing the construction of the University of Michigan Golf Club House, spearheading the development of the Comfort Inn of Clarkson, and orchestrating the historic restoration projects of both The Detroit Yacht Club and River Crest Apartments.

Jeremy's indomitable spirit propels him to continuously seek novel systems that can seamlessly integrate into daily operations, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness. Furthermore, he actively fosters fresh opportunities for employees, thereby generating employment within his community.


Jeremy enjoys maintaining physical fitness and trains with pro athlete Johnathan Hankins during off season.
